Wednesday 6 February 2008

Week 3 Day 3

Lost more weight, about 177lbs now, abs seemed to have gone down, may be muscle mass. Lower belly still looking shit.


Mauricio Segura said...

hey I am back. Progress looks good, and it seems you have come to crossroad, where starts to learn that losing weight (fat) is way easier than gaing lean weight. Just keep working out, you are sure to get in better shape as time goes by as exercise simply has that effect on everyone. For the time being, Just be perseverant.

Mauricio Segura said...

Also, on getting the 6-pack, sure you will - it already shows in some pictures, which means is already there!!! I´d suggest to you as I have suggested to other few people, focus on working your chest and arms, you need to look stronger and that upper body of yours needs you to give it some work - again be patient, but start work in the upper section ASAP -

Anonymous said...

You can do it!! We're on week 8, where are you?